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We grow an extensive range plants throughout the year so we will always have something that will add some colour to your garden. Below are the full lists of all the plants and varieties we are growing this year. For shrubs and trees please ring as availability is constantly changing.

Bedding Plants

As we are growing a mass scale we have nearly type of bedding plant imaginable and massive range of colours, from Antirrhiniums to Zinnias. 


Alpines and Perennials

Grown in a range of pots from 1Litre up to 3.5 Litre we grow a wide range of alpine and perennials to suit every condition. From all your common favorites to some more unusual ones.

Patio and Container Plants

For all the very best plants to fill your containers, along with all the classic trailing plants such as Fuchsias and Ivy Geraniums. As well as something to give your basket or pots a little height or structure. Every year our collection gets bigger. 

Vegetable Plants

We offer a large range of all the common types of vegetable plants grown mainly in a 12 plug tray. We have all the common types of brassica's, lettuces, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, and lots more unusual and heritage varieties.




Basket Plants

Growing over 250 different basket plants, the selection of choice available is massive, from classic colours to more unusual and the latest varieties on the market.

Garden Soil
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